Saturday, 31 August 2013

Consciousness of the Redemptive Self

Posted by Unknown at 22:57

 Consciousness of the Redemptive Self

Consciousness of the Redemptive Self

In today’s high-tech world, people are losing purity of their mind and soul. With the changing lifestyle people have forget the real meaning of their life. They have forgotten that they are not sent to this world by the great almighty to earn worldly pleasures of life but there is a hidden meaning attached to their life that they have to realize. Realization of your inner self is a complex subject that is not easy to understand. As such, there is no grand definition of self that one need to understand other than that self is our ego that is Atman. Atmam have different connotations in Hinduism and Buddhism.

In Hinduism Atman or Atma is used as a universal term that is used to describe our self or soul. However, in Hinduism Atma has a wider aspect, as according to the Buddhist teachings the term is related to Samsara, which means continuous cycle of birth, and death that keeps on going and the only way to escape it through attainment of enlightenment. Bodhi as it is called in Buddhism a person can seek his or her true self only by understanding nature of universe or achieving the pure sanity. After realization, the person is considered to be freed from the worldly pleasures and cycle of birth, death and rebirth or in other words person can achieve moksha. There are in fact many ways to attain mocha like meditation and yoga. Yoga being the most prominent one among Hindus is considered as an effective path to seek your inner hidden self. There are four major disciples in yoga that are Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga.

Karma Yoga deals with the teachings of sacred text of Hinduism that is Bhagavad-Gita Gita, which teaches that a person should perform his or her duties altruistically without thinking about its results thus focusing on Dharma with thinking about the reward attached to it. In this way, a person can attain his or her true self. In Raja Yoga that is also called Classical Yoga, one can acquire self knowledge through meditation. Meditation primarily means concentrating your mind on one focal point of thought or on divine power that in turn leads to a state of enlightenment and relaxation. In helps to understand one’s state of consciousness by opening the doors to divine powers. Devoting yourself completely to the spiritual powers of god is known as Bhakti Yoga.

This form of Yoga has essentially nine different forms of Yoga and in today’s world of Dark Age, this form is considered as one of the easiest path to achieve attainment of soul. Last kind of Yoga that is Jnana Yoga is related to the path of achieving self knowledge. According to the religious scripture of Hinduism Bhagavad-Gita, in Jnana Yoga there are four main ways to salvation. They are Viveka that’s discrimination, Vairagya- dispassion or detachment, Shad-sampat that’s the six virtues of achieve tranquility and peace of mind and Mumukshutva that means freedom from worldly pleasures of life. These are the spiritual ways to seek peace of self or self awareness. 

Apart from all these teachings of meditation and Yoga, a very important way to achieve self attainment is optimism that is developing a positive attitude towards life. You can achieve a positive attitude towards life only if have full faith and confidence in you. If you are positive person then it will not only reflect in your day to day life but it will also send positive vibes to the people around you. Therefore, always try to look at the bright side of life and enjoy life to its fullest as a famous quote says life is like ice creams enjoy it before it melts.  
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