Fasting for Acne
Fasting for Acne Review
A friend Mentioned the use of a fast to me as a means of getting rid of my acne. Quite simply, a fast is simply abstinence from solid food for a considerable length of time a in the aim of giving the digestive organs a rest, this practice greatly benefits our overall health.Fasting for Acne
There are many types of fasts and for treating acne:
1. The complete water fast, should be done with extreme caution if more than 3 days.
2. The Juice Fast
3. The Fruit Fast
Fasting must be undertaken with care, began to consume fruits and raw and cooked vegetables, herbal laxative tea, Drink 1-2 quarts of unflavored lemonade in the mornings, Be Mentally prepared for the task ahead of fasting.4.5
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